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#Trending: Super Bowl Sunday

Football, not soccer, may not be "America's favorite past time", but it is the most watched television event year after year. On Wednesday, February 23rd at 5pm, Meagan will be giving you the low down on everything you need to know about the Super Bowl. How many points is a touchdown worth? How much do spectators pay to attend the event? Which famous artists performed at the Half Time Show this year? All of these questions and more will be answered. See you there!

📍 The deadline to register is February 23rd by 12:00 PM.

Do you want to find out whats #trending in American Culture this week? Join English Language Resident, Meagan Abrahamsson to get a sneak peak into contemporary American life. We focus on topics such as media, sports, art, music, fashion, and much more from all over the country!

February 21

Open Conversations. Black History Month: Black Love

February 24

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