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Open Conversations. Black History Month: Black Love

Have you ever wondered why Americans spend the whole month of February celebrating African American history, culture, and voices? Join us next Monday evening to explore what Black Love means. We will be delving into topics such as the history, great African American heroes, slavery, civil rights, government involvement, Black patriotism, Critical Race Theory, and future predictions. We will also include books, movies, music recommendations and other ways to celebrate this amazing culture. Hope to see you there!

📍 The deadline to register is February 21st by 12:00 PM.

Open Coversations is a weekly discussion club with America House English Language Resident, Meagan Abrahamsson. She will research relevant and contemporary topics about American culture for an open dialogue with participants. There will be engaging activities and many resources to further exploration of these topics at your own pace. We look forward to welcoming you and hearing your thoughts and opinions every Monday evening. See you there!

February 17

Types of colleges and universities in the U.S.: Christian Colleges and Universities

February 23

#Trending: Super Bowl Sunday