This film explores the three questions crucial to determining fair use exemptions and presents illustrative examples from nonfiction, fiction, and experimental films that use pre-existing footage, music and sound from other individuals' creations--without permission or paying fees. Through on-camera interviews with noted documentarians, film and legal experts, OPF also reviews relevant court cases and clarifies legal issues regarding trademark, parody, and shooting on location or in a controlled setting.
In order to watch this film streaming you have to be a member of …and action! America House Movie Club. To get invitation to join the group, please register below.
We kindly ask you to register by 12:00 PM, April 27th. On April 27th you'll receive an email with instructions how to join our movie fans community. In case you are already a member, please join us for the streaming on a date and time mentioned above.
❗ Please note that the documentary won't be available after the streaming.