Let's Spice Things Up: pumpkin spice latte
Here is a quick video tutorial on how to make world-famous pumpkin spice latte from scratch. Easy and fast, delicious and fragrant. You can buy all needed ingredient at most supermarkets. Enjoy!
Sal Khan: From Hedge Fund Analyst to Global Educator and Innovator
With three degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and MBA from Harvard University, Sal was working as a hedge fund analyst in Boston. In 2004, Sal began remotely tutoring his cousin, helping with math. Many students eagerly asked Sal to tutor them, too. In order to reach a growing number of students, Sal began posting short videos on YouTube.
The Process of Creative Iteration
From where does a writer draw inspiration for their writings? That’s a good question. Inspiration comes from many places, depending on the thought process of the writer and what it is the writer is intent on writing about. But, generally speaking, inspiration can be outlined through the creative process.
Do witches walk among us? The history of the Salem Witch Trials
Throughout history, witches were believed to be a real and present danger to society, as evidenced by the Salem Witch Trials held in the late seventeenth century in Salem Village, located in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in New England.
Fa-boo-lous: Halloween and the Jack O’ Lantern Spectacular
As you may very well know, Halloween is a time to dress up in silly, scary, or iconic costumes and walk from house to house yelling “trick-or-treat!”. It is a time to scare your friends and go to spooky haunted houses. It is the only time when asking for candy from a stranger is completely acceptable too!
Dope. Salty. Lit. Add some commonly used American slang words to your vocabulary!
In a nutshell, slang is informal speech. It is most often used amongst young people and has its roots in popular culture, whether that be music, television, celebrities, or Internet trends. Slang changes constantly, so words or expressions that were popular last year or even a couple months ago may not be relevant anymore.
4 Reasons why Intellectual Property Rights are Important, and How To Get a Patent
Have you ever noticed the ®, ™, or © symbols next to a company logo and wonder why they’re so important? These small, unnoticeable symbols are actually very important in keeping our economy strong.
8 Endangered Species that Need our Attention
It is important to take action against climate change and pollution not only because it puts human communities at risk, but also because it puts animal ecosystems at risk. Here are some of these animals that we need to keep on eye on and protect.
Smile, You’re Speaking Emoji: the Rapid Evolution of a Wordless Language
Do you text friends and family with smiley faces and peace signs? If the answer is yes, then chances are you are fluent in a language you did not even know existed - the emoji language.