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Education in Emergencies: Tips for Educators and Students

Education is a fundamental human right for all people. Education is especially critical for the tens of millions of children and youth affected by conflict and disasters, and yet it is often significantly disrupted in emergency situations, denying learners the transformative effects of quality education. In this article, America House English Language Resident, Meagan, shares some tips for educators and students on how to make the learning process effective even in times of crisis.

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Healthy Relationship - Healthy Love. 5 Tips to Help Make it Happen

Relationships are one of the most important aspects of our lives. And it is the quality of our relationship that matters most. Being in a toxic and conflict-ridden relationship, even with a person you love, is more damaging than being alone. So healthy relationships are integral to our overall well being.

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5 Tips to Becoming More Creative

It doesn’t matter what job you do as creativity is not restricted to artists , writers or musicians only. Creativity skill is useful for people from all walks of life. Go ahead and start working on your creativity using our 5 super easy and fun tips.

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Fitness 101: Tips & Exercises to Start Exercising

You wake up in the morning and look in the mirror only to find love handles* where those abs should be. You’re making breakfast, and find yourself spending five minutes opening that jar of jam. You’re walking to work, and notice that by the time you’re done your shirt is drenched in sweat. If any of this sounds like you, it’s time to focus on your fitness and head to the gym! Here are tips and exercises to help get you started.

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