Galentine's Day - A Way For Ladies to Celebrate Valentine’s

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Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14th, is widely celebrated in the United States. According to one of the theories it’s origins comes from a Christian holiday celebrating Saint Valentine, a Roman who married couples in Christian weddings and converted people to Christianity when both activities were illegal in Rome. Many people believe that Valentine’s Day is a day reserved only for couples and lovers, but in the US the holiday is celebrated by friends too! Introducing Galentine’s Day - a way for girl friends to celebrate their friendship together on Valentine’s Day!

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Many girl friends celebrate Galentine’s Day together on February 13th, but some celebrate on the 14th if they are single. Galentine’s Day started to become popular around 2010 when it was the center of a plot on the hit TV show Parks and Rec on the episode of the same name. It is a day for “ladies celebrating ladies” and is a great way for friends to get together in the season of love and express how much they appreciate each other in their lives. They exchange cards and gifts, go to the salon or spa, go out for brunch or dinner, watch movies, throw parties, go shopping, or other fun things with the squad to achieve “treat yourself” goals. Below are some fun ideas to celebrate Galentine’s Day with your friends this year!

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Nails Nails Nails: Get your nails pampered and polished with your friends.

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No Tea, No Shade, No Pink Lemonade: Brunch with your gal pals is a great way to relax, chat, eat, and have some delicious beverages.

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Extravaganza Eleganza: Go on a trip to a shopping mall with your BFFs. You don’t have to buy anything, and there are always adventures to be had at the mall when you’re with friends.

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The Silver Screen: Invite your friends for a movie or several for a night! Popcorn and a flick is a great way to bond with the squad.

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Be Your Own Girl Group: Karaoke is a fun way to spend a night with BFFs. Even if you’re tone-deaf, singing your heart out with your friends to your favorite songs will make you feel like Beyonce.

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Galentine's Day is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, and is a wonderful way to pre-game Valentine’s Day, or even a great way to spend your Valentine’s Day with your girl friends!

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Lauren Leveque is a student at Northern Virginia Community College studying political science . She loves going to new places and has traveled to 9 different countries so far. She speaks English, French, and some Korean. Some of her hobbies is watching foreign films and visiting new places in Kyiv. 



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