Reaching for the Sky: Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper
From the red planet of Mars to the Milky Way galaxy that we call home, space is a place where we send rocketships and satellites and astronauts. One name that you might not have heard of is Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper.
Boston. The Cradle of Liberty
Although city of Boston, Massachusetts is small enough to trek across by foot in a couple of hours, it offers much to both residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as well as visitors from around the globe.
5 Best National Parks to Visit in the Fall
America is full of hundreds of beautiful sights and attractions, but perhaps the most famous of all are the American National Parks. So, as fall is just around the corner and yellow and red leaves are beginning to drop, here are the top 5 national parks to visit during this time.
5 Fun Things to Do When You Visit Houston, Texas
Houston is a vibrant, diverse city with around 2.3 million inhabitants. It offers tremendous opportunities to conduct business, pursue higher education, raise a family, and experience rich cultural, artistic, and culinary traditions.
American Roadside Attractions
America has always had an affinity for the open road and a good ole road trip. As more and more people hit the road, businesses set up shop on highways offering services and entertainment to travelers, like gas stations, restaurants and roadside attractions.
8 Entrepreneurs from the U.S. and Ukraine to Keep An Eye On
A new generation of entrepreneurs is rising around the world. More than ever before, entrepreneurship plays an important role in global economies. It is time we take a closer look at start-ups and the people behind them. Here are four American and four Ukrainian entrepreneurs who are inspiring change in this generation.
4 Reasons why Intellectual Property Rights are Important, and How To Get a Patent
Have you ever noticed the ®, ™, or © symbols next to a company logo and wonder why they’re so important? These small, unnoticeable symbols are actually very important in keeping our economy strong.
8 Endangered Species that Need our Attention
It is important to take action against climate change and pollution not only because it puts human communities at risk, but also because it puts animal ecosystems at risk. Here are some of these animals that we need to keep on eye on and protect.
Smile, You’re Speaking Emoji: the Rapid Evolution of a Wordless Language
Do you text friends and family with smiley faces and peace signs? If the answer is yes, then chances are you are fluent in a language you did not even know existed - the emoji language.