Can’t Stop Snacking?

Snacking all the time and never feel full? Try to sub cookies with smoothies. Fiber in fruit or vegetables will curb your urge to eat those.  Half of avocado in your smoothie will enrich it with healthy fats, fiber and protein.


Healthy eating helps you stay in peak condition and here we are not just talking about weight control but about your mental health as well.  Alkaline foods such as carrots, strawberries, spinach and celery will better your digestion, so adding these to your smoothie will have a positive effect on your body.


Drinking smoothies doesn’t mean your diet is balanced but it is one of the meals that can be a part of your healthy eating habits.

Remember that a glass or two for breakfast also doesn’t mean you can eat candies, drink lots of coffee and eat chips for the rest of the day.


And one more thing, smoothies are not milkshakes containing packed juice, fruits and ice cream.

Below we’ll share with you few smoothie recipes. No worries, America House staff sampled all of these and can guarantee you'll enjoy it. All of the ingredients can be purchased in Ukrainian supermarkets.  

Cinnamon Moon

  • 2 bananas

  • 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt

  • 1/2 cup milk

  • pinch of cinnamon

  • 1tbs honey (optional)

Combine all ingredients  and blend until smooth.


Pink Royal

  • 1 cup orange juice

  • 200 grams strawberries

  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt

Combine all ingredients  and blend until smooth.



Lime Sparks

  • 2 bananas

  • 3/4 cup dates

  • 1 lime juice

  • 1/2 cup orange juice

Combine all ingredients  and blend until smooth.


Green Day

  • 2 cups spinach leaves

  • 1 cup crushed pineapple

  • 1 banana

  • 1/2 cup orange juice

  • 10 fresh mint leaves, or more

  • 1/4 cup water

Combine all ingredients  and blend until smooth.


Basil Party

  • 1 cup basil leaves

  • 100 grams strawberries

  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt

  • 1 banana

  • 2 tsp honey (optional)

Combine all ingredients  and blend until smooth.


Try it out and let us know your favorite one!



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