14 Fun Facts About Walt Disney

One of the most iconic Americans that comes to everyone’s mind is Walt Disney, an innovator in animation and theme park design. Alongside his brother Roy, he co-founded Walt Disney Productions, as we know it today! He later went on to found the Disneyland and Disney World theme parks.

Here’s some interesting facts about Walt Disney you may not have known:


Walt Disney began drawing cartoons during his childhood; his subject being drawings of horses.

Photo source: successstory.com

Photo source: successstory.com

He has some French heritage, with his original family name being “D’Isigny” before it was converted to “Disney”.

Photo source: Daily Mail

Photo source: Daily Mail

Disney dropped out of school at 16 and tried to join the army. He was rejected due to his age but ended up serving as an ambulance driver in France.

Photo source: adreamaweek

Photo source: adreamaweek

Disney did the voice for Mickey Mouse from 1928 to 1947.

Photo source: ThingLink

Photo source: ThingLink

Disney never actually drew Mickey Mouse, his cartoonists always did.

Disney was good friends with Uncle Sam, producing propaganda films and army training videos.

Photo source: Oscars.org

Photo source: Oscars.org

Disney has received more Academy Awards and nominations than anyone else. He won 22 Awards in total.

Photo source: The Hollywood Reporter

Photo source: The Hollywood Reporter

Disney’s favorite character was Goofy.

He was also very interested in trains, hence the high amount of trains and train themed rides in his parks.

Photo source: canstarblue.co.nz

Photo source: canstarblue.co.nz

Before starting The Walt Disney Company, he almost sold vacuum cleaners for a living.

Photo source: MarketWatch

Photo source: MarketWatch

When Disney built Disneyland, he had a “secret apartment” built in the theme park for his own use.

Image source: fr.disney.wikia.com

Image source: fr.disney.wikia.com

Disney’s housekeeper was a wealthy woman, every year for Christmas she was given stock in the company. By the time she died, her shares of stock were worth over $9 million dollars.

Image source: joebooks.com

Image source: joebooks.com

Disney’s favorite princess was Cinderella.

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Mickey Mouse’s original name was Mortimer Mouse but Walt Disney's wife, Lillian, convinced him to change it the one we all know today.



Brendyn Lupe is a senior at American University, studying International Relations and French. He likes reading, playing the piano, and hanging out with his friends during his free time. 



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