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Wednesday English With Charlie: Zen and the Art of Cursing

  • America House Kyiv 6 Mykoly Pymonenka Street Kyiv, 02000 Ukraine (map)

Attitudes towards cursing vary from generation to generation and from culture to culture. What constitutes a curse in one country may be a compliment in another. How did humans develop curse words and why do we keep using them? Join us on January 8th at 19:00 to discuss all things curses!

Practice your English-speaking skills, learn about the American lifestyle and share your own perspectives during our Wednesday English speaking clubs with Americans and the America House Kyiv team. Stay tuned for the schedule updates.  

Attendance and participation are free. You just need to let us know if you’re coming by registering for the event in advance. We’ll save you a spot and keep you posted about any changes.   

📍 The deadline to register is January 8th at 12 PM.

The event will take place at America House Kyiv (Mykoly Pymonenka Street 6.) Please familiarize yourself with the rules of admission before your visit. Remember to bring your passport or driver’s license to enter America House Kyiv. 

See you soon!

Other upcoming events

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