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22.33 Podcast Club

22.33 Podcast club brings you tales of people finding their way in new surroundings, it features first-person narratives and anecdotes from people who have been involved with ECA exchange programs. With a combination of survival, empathy, and humor, ECA’s innovative podcast series delivers unforgettable travel stories from people whose lives were changed by international exchange. This weekly program will help participants to learn about USG exchange programs and a variety of cultures, as well as an opportunity to discuss about the meaning and language used in the podcast.

During each session you will discuss a podcast followed by listening.

On August 18th you will listen to "Paying it Forward" with Aleksandra Gren. You can also do the listening on your own before the session:

Aleksandra Gren teaches us the value of human interaction. Through interacting with others we can find inspiration, mentorship, and friendship that can be relayed to any person you meet from any country. For Gren, her experience in the United States had given her greater exposure to American values that she was able to share back in Poland, specifically for women.

22.33 Podcast Club will be on Tuesday August 18th at 5:00 PM.  

The deadline to register is August 18th by 12:00 PM. Before the session you'll receive an email with the link to the online meeting.

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