Life is full of amazing stories. Listening to Podcasts is one of the best ways to engage with those stories and story tellers. Led by America House’s English Language Resident, each Saturday America House welcomes participants to discuss a weekly, predetermined podcast.
The Podcast club will feature podcasts that are on a variety of themes and feature many different perspectives. Participants will get new opportunities to get more listening practice outside of the classroom, while learning new vocabulary and content each Saturday while discussing the week’s podcast episode.
Participants are required to listen to the podcast BEFORE the session. This week’s theme is: Inclusive Families.
We'll be discussing the story of a small community using social media to enact justice. Their story is told on an episode of the podcast "Invisibilia" titled "The Callout". The episode is linked here.
After listening, please complete the registration linked here.
Remember to bring your passport or driver's license.