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Webchat: “American Elections from Independence to Today.”

Join us for the webchat with John C. Fortier on the theme of American Elections. Mr. Fortier will speak about the special characteristics of the American electoral process, the lessons learned from the early days of American democracy, and the roles of political parties and debates. 

John C. Fortier is the director of BPC’s Democracy Project. Prior to joining BPC in April 2011, he was a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he served as the principal contributor to the AEI-Brookings Election Reform Project, the executive director of the Continuity of Government Commission, and the project manager of the Transition to Governing Project. He was a regular contributor to AEI’s Election Watch series. He also served as the director of the Center for the Study of American Democracy at Kenyon College.
Fortier is the author of Absentee and Early Voting: Trends, Promises and Perils, the author and editor of After the People Vote: A Guide to the Electoral College, and the author and co-editor with Norman Ornstein of Second Term Blues: How George W. Bush Has Governed, and numerous academic articles in political science and law journals.
Fortier has been a regular columnist for The Hill and Politico. Fortier is a frequent commentator on elections and government institutions and has appeared on ABC’s Nightline, CNN, Fox News, PBS’s News Hour, CBS News, NBC’s Today Show, C-SPAN, NPR, Bloomberg, and BBC. He has taught at Kenyon College, University of Pennsylvania, University of Delaware, Harvard University and Boston College.
Fortier has a Ph.D. in political science from Boston College and a B.A. from Georgetown University.

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