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A Practical Guide to a Self-Care Routine You'll Follow

Self-care, which has become synonymous with lotion and bubble baths, is highly popularized but a misunderstood word. Simplifying self-care to a level of materialism and indulgence can be dangerous. If you can create a plan that revolves around healthy habits, adding small acts of self-care to your everyday routine can be manageable and health-focused.

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Fitness 101: Tips & Exercises to Start Exercising

You wake up in the morning and look in the mirror only to find love handles* where those abs should be. You’re making breakfast, and find yourself spending five minutes opening that jar of jam. You’re walking to work, and notice that by the time you’re done your shirt is drenched in sweat. If any of this sounds like you, it’s time to focus on your fitness and head to the gym! Here are tips and exercises to help get you started.

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