Green is the New Black: 8 Eco-Friendly Habits for Your Everyday Life
Helping the planet comes in many more forms than you may realize. This article will show you some everyday tips on helping the environment that you might not have heard before. Read more to learn how you can take steps towards saving the planet that are sure to save your money and time as well.
Reducing Plastic Pollution: One Product at a Time
Every year, 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans from coastal nations. Plastic pollution negatively affects the oceanic ecosystem, damaging marine life and other ecosystems who depend on them. In this article, we highlighted seven companies who have made it their mission to reduce plastic pollution and reuse plastic to make their amazing products.
Plogging. Eco-Friendly Fitness
In recent years, there have been many new types of exercises that have gained widespread attention. We often see people doing pilates, barre, cross-fit, and even goat yoga. A new type of exercise that you may not have heard of is plogging!
The Most Promising Eco-Friendly Inventions
While environmental activism is multifaceted, one aspect of the movement focuses on creating and funding eco-friendly inventions. This article tells about inventions designed to mitigate your carbon footprint as well as a short discussion of the pros and cons of green innovation!
The Ice Flows, the Ice Goes
Interestingly, technology exists to monitor said sea ice from space. The European Space Agency’s CryoSat-2 satellite has been in development since the 1990s and was launched in 2010. This satellite carries a first of its kind radar altimeter payload which can provide surveillance of the Arctic Ocean ice cap at latitudes up to 88 degrees North.