10 Great Books. Annik Brar Recommended Books



1984, a classic dystopian novel by George Orwell, revolves around a man named Winston Smith, who lives in a future where much of the world is ravaged by perpetual war and an oppressive government that watches your every move. The leader of this future country, called Airstrip One (formerly Great Britain) is called Big Brother, which many people question whether or not he even exists. Winston, a diligent government official secretly hates the government and their oppressive culture and decides to rebel. The entire journey and growth of the characters are very interesting to see develop and the story line has many parallels to our modern-day society, making this book a great read. 



Gone is a novel by Micheal Grant set in the quaint town of Perdido Beach in Southern California. In the novel, everyone over the age of 15 disappears, leaving behind clueless teenagers who must now establish a new society and a new set of rules to keep chaos from ensuing. The main protagonist, Sam Temple, realizes the danger they are all in and helps to run the fire station before things start getting out of control. This novel shows how teenagers come together to run society, from taking care of babies to doing surgery. However, the novel is made great by the overlying mystery around the entire synopsis of the book - how did they get here and how do they bring everyone back?


The Invention of Hugo Cabret

This novel, written by Brian Selznick, is a graphic novel revolving around the story of a young boy named Hugo Cabret in early 1900’s Paris, France. The inspiration behind the book is the famed filmmaker Georges Melies, and how Hugo, a fictional character discovered one of his inventions after a museum fire. The book continues to show how Hugo repairs this invention and how he discovers much more about himself and his potential. Much of the book is filled with full page drawings that depict life in France for Hugo and Melies. While the book is 526 pages longs, only about 100 pages have actual text/reading material, making this book extremely unique and engaging. 


The Great Gatsby

This novel, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald is another classic American novel revered by many. Set in 1922, this is the story of a famed yet mysterious millionaire by the name of Jay Gatsby as told by Nick Carraway, a midwesterner from Minnesota who recently moved to Long Island, New York. Nick is the neighbor of Gatsby who throws extravagant parties every Saturday night but himself is never seen at these elite gatherings. This novel is a fun read and has excellent character development. The film adaptations of the book are also something to check out after you have read the novel. 

Clip from the most recent movie (2013) - Party Scene


The Martian Chronicles

This science fiction book written by Ray Bradbury is quite different than typical novels. This book is made up of many small and short stories told through different perspectives. The book revolves around the idea of the colonization of Mars after Earth becomes uninhabitable and the struggle between the human colonizers and the native Martians. Each story brings on a different emotion and focuses on a different aspect of the colonization period. With a multitude of different characters and different settings and different outcomes, this book will definitely make you feel as if you are there. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat and will leave you feeling satisfied but hungry for more answers. 


I Am Malala

This is an autobiography about Malala Yousafzai, a young girl who was shot by the Taliban on her way to school. Now a prominent public figure, Malala stands up for women’s rights to an education, especially in countries where women do not have easy access to such resources. This biography, thus, details her harrowing ordeal and a girl going to school in a taliban-run region of Pakistan and how she survived being targeted and shot on her school bus. She now currently lives in England where she is studying at Oxford University. This biography, equipped with quotes, pictures, and vivid details is a wonderful and inspiring read. 


Number the Stars

Number the Stars is a historical fiction book by Lois Lowry, set in the WWII era of Nazi occupied Denmark. The story focuses on ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen, who lives with her family in Copenhagen. Although not Jewish herself, Annemarie and her family help her Jewish best friend, Ellen, stay hidden from Nazi soldiers who are taking people to concentration camps. Told through the eyes of a young child, this book shows the bravery and loyalty of so many people during such devastating and pressing times. This book surely leaves you feeling emotional and proud of the goodness in humanity. 


Life’s Little Instruction Book

This book, although not a novel, is a great light read whenever you have five minutes to spare. Written by Jack Brown for his son going off to his first year of college, this book is comprised with over 500 bullet points on how to “live a happy and rewarding life”.  From tips such as, “When playing games with children, let them win” to “Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have”, this book will definitely leave a smile on your face and perhaps a small tear in your eye. Heartwarming and original, this book can be read anytime of day from any point, making it truly versatile and unique. 


The Girl on the Train

This is a psychological thriller written by Paula Hawkins. Set in the UK, the story is told from the perspective of three different women: Rachel, Anna, and Meghan. The story focuses on Rachel’s broken marriage to her ex-husband, Tom, who is now married to Anna. For comfort, Rachel turns to alcohol and begins drinking excessively. Meghan is the woman Rachel sees from her train window every morning to work and often fantasizes that she has a perfect when in reality her life is far from it. This novel will definitely keep you engaged as the different tales of the three women slowly come together. Written in a very meticulous manner, this novel is a great read with many twists and turns. 


The House on Mango Street

This book is written by Mexican-American author Sandra Cisneros. Told through brief excerpts, poems, and random texts, this story is about Esperanza Cordero, a chicana girl growing up in Chicago. The book follows Esperanza over one year of her life as she grows and matures and faces difficulties as a young woman in an impoverished area. This book is very uniquely written and vividly relays many emotions that make the reader infatuated with Esperanza’s story and circumstances. 


Dystopian: a society where there is lots of injustice or great amounts of suffering

Perpetual War: a war with no clear end or resolution; war that continues forever (similar to Cold War)

Revered: to have much respect for something 

Harrowing: an event that is stressful or dangerous 

Meticulous: careful attention to detail 

Chicana: a women who is descended from or has Mexican origins

Impoverished: to be living in or be in a state of poverty

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Annik Brar is a student at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. studying International Affairs and Psychology. In her free time, she manages a support page for people with Type 1 Diabetes. She also loves photography and traveling and can speak Punjabi and Hindi fluently!



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